Sowineco Invites You to RosUpack 2023 – Let’s Connect and Innovate!

Update time:2023.5.10       Views:569

Sowineco, the leading supplier of packaging materials and solutions, invites you to visit our booth at RosUpack 2023. We are excited to showcase our latest product line and to engage with our valued customers and prospects.

1. Get to Know Sowineco – Visit our Booth – At Interpack 2023, you can visit our booth and explore our newest product offerings. Our team of experts will be present at the booth to discuss your requirements and provide you with custom solutions for your projects.
2. Learn about Our Sustainable Packaging Solutions – At our booth, you can learn more about our sustainable packaging solutions and how they can help your business reduce its carbon footprint.
3. Experience Our Packaging Innovation – At RosUpack 2023, we will showcase some of our latest innovations. Our booth will give you a unique opportunity to learn about these innovations and witness them in action.
4. Stay Ahead of Your Competitors – By attending Interpack 2023 and visiting our booth, you can explore various options for packaging and design that suit your brand and products.

We hope to see you at RosUpack 2023 and look forward to connecting with you!
Date: 6th – 9th June, 2023
Booth: Pavilion1 Hill2 B5037
Add: Crocus Expo, Pavilion 1, Pavilion 2, Moscow

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